[IBL] Color Overlays Completed

Paul Schneider badgermaniac339 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 11:46:35 EDT 2024

Concur about the cards. Last season, I may or may not have used my work
printers (no confirmation...just speculation) to print out these beauties
in color.  Since I no longer have access to this option, the worst thing
about the overlay cards is the real pain over whether to splurge and spend
the money on printing in color as opposed to the much more efficient black
and white.


On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 10:41 AM Russell Peltz via Members <
members at lists.ibl.org> wrote:

> I love the overlays.  They make the cards look awesome!  Thank you Rob!
> -Rusty
> On Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 11:41 PM Robert Barnes via Members <
> members at lists.ibl.org> wrote:
>> Hey all!
>> The Color overlays for Pitchers, Batters and Parks are completed and
>> checked for major errors. I assume some minor errors, but oh well. Here is
>> the link to version 1 of these card files.
>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/oh6pucyh4txk5jpsg1hyu/h?rlkey=y784l46dghyxdtwqykotszjb7&dl=0
>> Enjoy!!
>> SLG_Rob
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