[IBL] deadline amnesty

Sean Sweda sweda at ibl.org
Mon Aug 14 11:41:25 EDT 2017

Given that there have been a few days this past week where the ibl.org  
server was inaccessible for extended periods, and the fact we've got  
multiple teams that are behind by more than one week and/or have asked for  
assistance in getting their games played, we're going to extend the week 16  
deadline an additional week.

new deadlines:
ALL outstanding results and boxscores due Monday, Aug 21
Week 17 transactions due Tuesday, Aug 22

This is a one-time "get out of jail free" card for anyone who is behind.   
IP penalties will be applied for anything that is late as of next Tuesday  
morning, *NO* exceptions.  If you're all caught up and are itching to play  
this week my recommendation is to assist your fellow league members who  
have fallen behind or who have asked for help playing games.  Otherwise  
enjoy another week off.

Finally, I'd like to remind everyone that the rules require teams to post  
their MIS by Thursday evening.  It is vitally important for the smooth  
operation of the league that the teams that do not intend to play FTF get  
their MIS to their opponent in a timely manner.  After this amnesty week  
the expectation is that MIS-only teams will have an updated MIS in Dropbox  
no later than Friday.  Late results from the previous week ARE NOT a valid  
excuse for ignoring this deadline, you must provide a MIS and allow your  
opponent to play games when it fits best into their schedule.  Failure to  
comply will result in IP penalties.

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