[IBL] RRG Trade Flier

Paul Schneider badgermaniac339 at gmail.com
Mon May 13 19:14:33 EDT 2024

On behalf of the RRG franchise, I would like to throw out two names that
are available and might be of interest to teams fighting for the playoffs
or a couple of pieces away from playoff contention.

1. Wade Miley: .577 OPS vs. LHB/.701 vs. RHB. Controls running game. HR
issues aren't too severe. Still has about 500 BF usage left, but due to
RRG's lack of pitching depth, that goes down weekly. I think he would be a
really nice addition to a team looking to fill their 4th SP slot and might
even slide into a playoff start or two on some teams.

2. Yerry DeLosSantos: .736 vs. LBB/.500 vs. RHB. Has full usage remaining
(138 BF). No DF numbers. Not hurt by running game. 0 injury days. Great
specialist to use in middle relief vs RH heavy part of lineup.

Neither guy has value into next year at this point (Miley TJ surgery, YDLS
in minors), which is why they are available.

RRG has needs at catcher, 1B, and pitching and would also take draft picks.

Let me know if you have any interest. Nothing is pending right now, but
probably will jump at first enticing offer for either.  Thanks.

RRG caretaker
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