[IBL] minor proposed rule change

Paul Schneider badgermaniac339 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 10:55:59 EST 2023

I would like to propose that all rules related to eligibility be changed to
PA/BF instead of AB+BB. I know this rule goes way way back, but there is
really no reason why  (that I am aware of)  HPB, SF, SH, etc. should not
count in terms of determining whether a player is carded, playoff status,
etc. Aside from common sense, the current rule adds a small level of
unneeded complexity. Rather than just glance at PA in their  core stat line
on Fangraphs/BR, you now have to manually go deduct those PA that are not
AB or BB.

We also use BF/PA for usage, so I think it makes sense to use that same
metric across the board.

It just seems sort of silly that a player like Tyler Kinley, with 100 BF,
is not playoff eligible because he hit one of those batters or that Matt
Carpenter, with 154 PA, is not fully playoff eligible because he had a
couple sacrifices and 5 hit by pitches.

Keep it simple, easy to find/notice, and consistent.

Just my $0.02.
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