[IBL] attention: gmail users

Sean Sweda sweda at ibl.org
Wed Jun 28 12:10:21 EDT 2023

Last night gmail decided to defer mail originating from ibl.org, so the  
mail queued up and was undeliverable for several hours.  Almost everything  
in the queue was auto-generated, the responses to reporting of results and  
transactions.  Some of you likely saw these responses come in hours after  
you sent your original message.

Typically this happens because some google algorithm decided that our  
emails were "spam".  It would be helpful if all IBL owners who use gmail  
would do the following:

1) check your spam folder for anything IBL related, if you find something  
mark it legit and let me know the details (from, subject, date/time)

2) go to gmail filters (settings -> "see all settings" -> "filters and  
blocked addresses") and create filters to prevent mail sent from  
<autorepl at ibl.org> and <stats at ibl.org> being marked as spam, they should  
look like this in your filter list:

Matches: from:(autorepl at ibl.org)
Do this: Never send it to Spam

Matches: from:(stats at ibl.org)
Do this: Never send it to Spam

thanks for your assistance


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