[IBL] MAD's status for beginning of the season

Chris Hartjes chartjes at littlehart.net
Mon Apr 11 10:31:35 EDT 2022

Hello friends! I just wanted to drop a note to let folks know what is up with me at the beginning of the year. About three weeks ago I got quite sick and likely contracted COVID. I did not require hospitalization but spent several days (including my birthday) curled up either in bed or on my couch trying to isolate from the rest of my family...who got COVID too from me.

At this point in time all I have left "wrong" with me is a dry persistent cough but my energy level is at about 60% of what it was. This in turn is making is hard to stay up later in the evenings to play games via IRC. Add to this the fact that the cards I got printed and asked to be shipped to my house still haven't shown up yet, so any results for me in week 1 are going to be delayed.

I am hoping this phase is just that -- a phase -- and I get back to normal in a few more weeks.

  Chris Hartjes
  chartjes at littlehart.net

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