<div dir="ltr">The 2024 IBL card set is now considered final, so feel free to print cards. If you find any errors,<br><div>let Sean know so he can correct it in an errata file. Thank you Sean for all the hard work you put in every year to create the card set!</div><div><br></div><div>The cards are available here:<br></div><br><a href="https://www.ibl.org/~sweda/iblgame/download">https://www.ibl.org/~sweda/iblgame/download</a><br><br>Rob has once again created an awesome set of batter, pitcher, and park cards that have team overlays. You should check them out.<br>They are available from this Dropbox link:<br><br><a href="https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/oh6pucyh4txk5jpsg1hyu/h?rlkey=y784l46dghyxdtwqykotszjb7&dl=0">https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/oh6pucyh4txk5jpsg1hyu/h?rlkey=y784l46dghyxdtwqykotszjb7&dl=0</a><br><br>If you haven't yet done so, please send your week 1 active rosters (26 players) and week 1 rotations to <br><a href="mailto:transactions@ibl.org">transactions@ibl.org</a>. It may be easier to just list the 10 players you want inactive. Please upload a <br>default MIS to Dropbox before the season starts
to avoid incentive point penalties.<br><br>This year's schedule is once again 25 weeks, with some weeks consisting of four-game series. The first<br>three weeks of the season are three-game series. Results are due every Monday night, and the transaction<br>deadline is every Tuesday night.<br><br>Opening day will be Wednesday, April 3, with week one results due Monday, April 8. You are welcome to<br>start early if you and your opponent are ready and don't need to wait for any transactions.<br><br>Upcoming deadlines:<br>April 2: Last preseason transaction deadline<br>April 3: Opening Day<br>April 8: Week 1 results due<br>April 9: Transaction deadline<br>April 15: Week 2 results due<br>April 16: Transaction deadline<br><br>Good luck in 2024!<br><br>-Rusty<br></div>