<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:10pt">OPENING DAY<br>-----------<br>Well, the cards are done, the schedule is posted on the web site, and it's almost<br>time to play ball!<br><br>I'm declaring March 26 to be opening day, with week 1 results due Monday, March 31. <br>As always, results are due Monday nights and transactions are due Tuesday nights.<br><br>You may now send in your week 1 active rosters and rotations. Remember, if you<br>have any carded players who were uncarded last year [UC13], they must be on your <br>active roster until week 8.<br><br><br>PRE-SEASON BALLOT<br>-----------------<br>Please vote on the pre-season ballot if you haven't yet. Votes are due tomorrow.<br><br><br>CARDS<br>-----<br>Please continue to check the cards for errors. If you find any, let Sean know.<br><br><br>IBL
DUES<br>--------<br>If you still owe IBL dues, please pay them right away!<br><br>The IBL balance sheet is here:<br>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?<br><br>key=0AnzLrVJBjtFAdGdBbVdZZVlFeDJodGFRUk1pOXRoTVE&usp=drive_web#gid=0<br><br>Please do one of the following:<br><br>1) mail a check:<br>Sean Sweda<br>1047 Eaton Rd<br>Berkley MI 48072<br><br>2) PayPal:<br>sweda@ibl.org or use the "donate" link found @ http://iblgame.ibl.org<br>PLEASE NOTE: If you use PayPal please add additional money to cover the fees<br>(2.9% + $0.30, for $5 this works out to $0.45). <br><br>If you were an owner in 2013 or 2012 and owe money for either or both of those years,<br>please pay for those as well. If you are unable to pay your dues due to financial<br>hardship, e-mail me privately to let me know and I may waive them.<br><br><br>STADIUM DRAFT<br>-------------<br>The stadium draft was held last Thursday. The only team to change park was<br>CSG,
which moved to ARI Chase Field.<br><br><br>TRANSACTIONS<br>------------<br>BAL -- Signs TOR Perez<br>-- Releases PHI Hernandez<br>COU -- Releases HOU Bedard<br>-- Signs NYN denDekker<br>KAT -- Trades BOS Gomes to MAD for MAD#4 (15)<br>-- Signs LAN Schumaker<br>MAD -- Releases CHN Rondon<br>-- Trades MAD#4 (15) to KAT for BOS Gomes<br>NYK -- Signs BAL Casilla<br>-- Releases PHI Halladay<br>SDQ -- Signs LAA Kohn<br>-- Signs ARI Reynolds<br>-- Releases SD Luebke[UC14], SD Richard, TB WrightW.<br>-- Signs LAA Hanson<br>SKY -- Releases NYN Atchison<br>-- Signs NYN Germen<br>WMS -- Signs SF Dunning<br>-- Releases CIN Ondrusek<br><br><br>-Rusty<br><div>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Russell Peltz<br>peltz38@yahoo.com, rpeltz@soe.sony.com</div></div></body></html>