[IBL] Fwd: IBL: TEST commissioner's rulings

Russell Peltz peltz38 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 26 13:33:17 EDT 2014

My answer would be no.  I don't have any plans to let teams choose when a player gets to serve their suspension.  My other rulings remain as stated.  A player can only fail one TEST roll per season, they serve the same number of games as games they were suspended in real life, suspensions carry into the playoffs and following season, and TEST rolls are ignored during the playoffs.


>>I don't have any of the players involved in this, but I do have a thought regarding this.
>>MLB gave these players the option to be suspended at a time where they 
could serve the suspension and still be >>eligible for the playoffs.  
>>Would we want to give teams the option of having their players accept a 
suspension in order to avoid possibly >>missing the playoffs?
Russell Peltz
peltz38 at yahoo.com, rpeltz at soe.sony.com

On Sunday, March 23, 2014 8:27 AM, George Blas <glblas7 at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Rusty, will there be a ruling on that part or are you still determining? Thanks. 
>Sent from my iPhone
>Begin forwarded message:
>From: George Blas <glblas7 at gmail.com>
>>Date: March 19, 2014 at 2:36:34 AM EDT
>>To: members at ibl.org
>>Subject: Re: IBL: TEST commissioner's rulings
>I see the commish’s ruling on TEST/Biogenesis. Wanted to ask before the season if any thought was given to the replies to that thread, mainly Mike KAT’s reply below. Can we get a ruling on that? Will said teams have the option of avoiding a potential suspension for the playoffs? Brent also had mentioned about maybe adding suspension # games under TEST (50, 65, etc.). If we don’t do that, we likely should compile a list of those. 
>>I don't have any of the players involved in this, but I do have a thought regarding this.
>>MLB gave these players the option to be suspended at a time where they could serve the suspension and still be eligible for the playoffs.  
>>Would we want to give teams the option of having their players accept a suspension in order to avoid possibly missing the playoffs?
>>As an example, if Nelson Cruz plays gets to game 112 and still hasn't been suspended, could his team chose to suspend him at that time in order to avoid the possibility of him missing the playoffs?   
>>Just a thought.
>>Mike KAT
>>On Aug 17, 2013, at 3:04 PM, Russell Peltz <peltz38 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>There has been some discussion about how to handle the players suspended
>>>in the Biogenesis scandal and I have also been asked by a couple of people
>>>to clarify suspension rules.  After some additional discussion with Sean,
>>>here is how I plan to handle drug suspensions:
>>>- As no player has ever been suspended by MLB multiple times in the same season, 
>>>and it is unlikely that a player would continue to use illegal substances 
>>>immediately after getting caught and suspended, a player can only fail one
>>>TEST roll per season.
>>>- When a player fails a TEST roll, they will be suspended for the same number of
>>>IBL games as they were suspended in MLB the season prior.  So if Ryan Braun fails
>>>a TEST roll next year, he will be suspended 65 games.  If Nelson Cruz fails a
 roll, he will be suspended 50 games.
>>>- Suspensions WILL carry over into the playoffs.
>>>- Suspensions WILL carry over into the next season.
>>>- However, we will not drug test during the playoffs.  So any wild play TEST 
>>>results that are rolled during the playoffs will be ignored.
>>>- The players implicated in the Biogenesis scandal will be treated the same as
>>>any other players suspended by MLB for drug use.  They will receive a TEST symbol.
>>>They will not be linked with each other and a suspension of one player will not
>>>affect any of the others.
>>>Russell Peltz
>>>peltz38 at yahoo.com, rpeltz at soe.sony.com
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